Spider weaving a web
This can be an image of how we are weaving our destinies or our lives. What color is the spider in your dream? He was spring green in my dream and was weaving his web in the same way that women weave lace, with a tatting motion. This can be a reference to how we are weaving, or perhaps that we need to start weaving.
Jumping spider
Spiders are able to do amazing acrobatic feats, just like Spiderman in the movie, jump across a room, walk on the ceiling, show incredible speed. If your spider is exhibiting Cirque de Soleil type behavior, you should consider how you can leap over obstacles in your path. Don’t just look at the conventional methods or paths, consider gravity-defying moves yielding quick success. You are not constrained by what others might do or think or the prescribed path to your destiny. Your dream is telling you there might be a shorter way.
Mobilized spiders
Due to their many legs, they are able to mobilize quickly and in any direction. Groups of spiders mobilizing in a direction or circles show immediate intense energy for getting the job done. This might be a clue on how you need to take action, on all fronts, right now.
Cobwebs in corners
You might have some old ideas, plans, business that you need to clear up. Get the broom out, look in all the corners of your life. Get rid of old, useless, dead ideas and plans. You might need to consider an entirely new direction.
Another possible meaning is Fuzzy thinking. I know I've once or twice added 1 plus 1 and got something besides 2. Could your dream be telling you that you are making too many assumptions? perhaps we need to look make sure we have the facts, and are not guilty of wishful thinking.
Caught in a spider’s web
This is a very serious image. Pay attention! If you are a ‘butterfly caught in a spider’s web’ you are suffering unnecessary pain and are caught in a web of someone else’s making. You need to get out. You owe that spider nothing, don’t regret it if you need to demolish that web to get out. Just get out.
Jump, weave, or scamper your way to success.
Other Blogs:
10 Steps to Interpreting your Dreams
The Trinity of Faith, Hope and Love
People You Know - Family, Friends, Co-workers, Bosses
Strangers, Vampire, Cheerleaders and Foreign Folk
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