Friday, November 16, 2012

Dream Colors - White, Yellow, Gold, Red, Pink, Hot Pink, Spring Green, Moss Green, Kelly Green, Midnight Blue, and Silver

Many times a Color has added a deeper dimension to a dream message. Sometimes the dream dictionaries have been helpful but I have found that colors can also have individual meanings, or at least that the colors have some alternative meanings for me, and maybe you.


White can point to the spiritual nature of an object or symbol, but I have found that it is also sometimes a ‘highlight’, that a glowing, white object can be very significant, as if it has been highlighted. Pay attention to highlighted objects, they may have very special significance.

Yellow or Gold

Yellow and Gold can also be a highlight, making our eye look here and take notice. Often I find when I ask, ‘why is that thing yellow?’ the dream message opens on entirely new level.

Red, Blood Red

Red can refer to strong emotions of the heart and may refer to learning to live with your emotions, show them, and be comfortable with them. We often find ourselves uncomfortable with our emotions, thinking we should be able to regulate them in some way. But often our heads do not really understand our heart, what it needs, why it hurts, or how to express joy, sadness, grief.


Light Pink, Medium Pink

Several objects, organs, and even animals have been pink in my dreams. After a dream in which the words ‘pinking sheers’ came to me, I realized the pink is what I was seeing as through sheers, or thin draperies. It is the way that our blood looks through our skin, pink, alive, living, translucent, the inside showing out, revealing our emotional states. Sometimes an image like this can make us consider what we love to do, where our hearts and energy want to go, what makes us tick? If we can answer those questions, what changes should we make in our lives?


Hot Pink, Bright Purple

These colors can refer to daring sexuality. Where did it show up in your dream? Was it hidden? Was it in the open? In clothing? Or in the decor? Can be either appropriate or inappropriate depending on what else was happening in the dream. Perhaps your dream is telling you are headed in the right direction, need to live this part of your self more, or it is more of a warning.

Midnight Blue, Dark Blue, Blue/Black

A sky blue can reflect joy, spirituality and freedom - but what if it is tinted toward black? That could mean that there is much sorrow mixed in, the blues in fact. What objects in your dream are dark blue? 

Is there any resolution shown in the dream? Are there other symbols that might refer to death and rebirth, such as water, children, light?

Light Green, Spring Green

Light green means that very new things coming about, as in the very first leaves in spring. This can be a sign that you are beginning a new phase in your growth, weaving a new pattern, or a new opportunity is presenting itself to you. If there is light green clothing, who is wearing it? What can you learn from that person?

Kelly Green, Moss Green, or Intense Green

Intense Green can refer to the robust health or strong growth of your inner self, or spirit. Intense green shoots indicate new growth. You are on the right path. Kelly green can possibly refer to your Irish heritage or the Emerald Isle.

Mossy green can refer to ancient growth, such as might grow on a rock, or in a streambed. Do the other images seem to refer back to something very old, perhaps in mankind’s ancient past? Did you see a dwarf, the Green Man, a jar? These symbols that seem to come from a life our ancestors might have lived thousands of years ago are difficult to understand – what I do is record them and try to live with them a while. If there is something very important here, the message will be clarified.



The color silver can represent what is beautiful, true and enduring, often our spirit, or the Spirit of God.  The silver spiritual object shows us we have guidance and are not alone. Perhaps we need to look behind us, above us to see spiritual supports in our lives.



For Gray, please read my blog on the Wearin’ of the Gray.

Other Dream Blogs:

10 Steps to Interpreting your Dreams

The Trinity of Faith, Hope and Love

People You Know - Family, Friends, Co-workers, Bosses

Strangers, Vampire, Cheerleaders and Foreign Folk

Spiders, Spider Webs, and Weaving Dream Meanings

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