Monday, November 12, 2012

Cell Phone Dream Symbols, Antennas, Computers

In our daily lives, we constantly interact with technology so it seems natural that technology would also enter into our dreams. The cell phone, antenna and computer are three dream symbols that show up in my dream life, aimed directly at increasing communication with our spiritual selves and helping us to accomplish our inner work.

The Cell Phone Dream Symbol

The cell phone is similar to an antenna in that it uses a non-physical communication link. Communicating with energy or waves through the air can represent our communication with the spiritual world - the Spirit, God, Jesus, our own Self or spirit.

So, what is happening with your cell phone? Is it lost? Have you possibly lost connection with someone important in your life, God, or even yourself? Is there a message you can’t receive because your phone is lost?  Could there be some significance to how or where it was lost? Was it at the mall, a restaurant, a lake? Was it stolen? Usually losing your cell phone is a pretty big problem.

Or, has you cell phone been found? Where was it found? Who found it? How was it restored to you? These questions can help you understand the meaning and purpose of the cell phone in your dream.

Antenna Dream Symbol 

An antenna will literally pluck the information out of ‘thin air.’ Seeing an antenna  can signal communication with someone not physical, such as the Spirit, God, you own Self.  What color is it in your dream?  If it’s white, it’s likely a spiritual antenna. If you had a spiritual antenna, how might you use it to be more spiritually attuned?

colorful pastel drawing of a 'value added' office environment, with compatible people, gleaming white computer and antenna, and mobility needed.
An Office Image from a Dream

Computer Dream Symbol 

A computer is an all-purpose work tool and can signify that you have unlimited resources available for the work you need to do. ‘Work’ does not always refer to your job. Your ‘work’ may be inner work, spiritual work, work in understanding where you are, or where you need to go next. There will probably be other clues in your dream to point you in the right direction.

Communication and Work Dreams

Dreams where there is a symbol around cell phones, antennas, or a computer can signal that there is more information to come. Hopefully soon! But surely, when we are ready and receptive. So, we should be alert and attentive. Maybe in your next dream, or three dreams from now, the phone could ring, the email or letter may arrive, a person may speak important words to you.

It’s often the case that our Self  works over time to reveals what we need to change or growth opportunities. So, don’t expect all the answers in one dream. There may be just one or two things for you to think about or take action on, with more coming later.

I try not to be frustrated, but to trust the process, and know that the clues, words, direction will come when I am ready. But I think it’s also OK if I’m angry or frustrated to ask for more information, or even express that anger to inner Self, my spirit, or God (whoever I think is the problem).

Other Dream Blogs:

10 Steps to Interpreting your Dreams

The Trinity of Faith, Hope and Love

People You Know - Family, Friends, Co-workers, Bosses

Strangers, Vampire, Cheerleaders and Foreign Folk

Spiders, Spider Webs, and Weaving Dream Meanings

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