Friday, December 7, 2012

The Dream On Dictionary

Breaking Down the Symbols to Get to Your Story

Our inner dream creator uses symbols to weave powerful stories for us. Each person, word, color,  number, location, object or emotion contributes to the story. Every day heros and movies empower and inspire us, giving us the hope, peace, and faith we need to transform our lives. Well, our dreams are just the same if we only will learn their language.

Learning and Working

If you are here on this page, you are learning the language, a skill that will surely help you to be a more successful human being, create more joy, and bring more love in our lives. And it all starts with a meaningful dialogue with ourselves!

Section A-C - Animus figures (Men/Women), Antenna, Cactus, Computer

Section D-J - Eating, Feet, Garden, Initiative

Section L-R - Las Vegas, New Places, People, Retreat

Section S-Z - Selfishness, Sitting, Walking

The Dream On Dictionary is a work in progress. Dream meanings unfold over time, but only if we work hard. If we just say ‘That was really weird,’ and go on with our lives, we will miss so much.

I find that the short dreams that seem the simplest at first sometimes really pack a punch. If the dream is short and simple, it is often very dense, with words and symbols with 2 or 3 layers of meaning. These can be really interesting and fun to work with.

By accessing dream dictionaries, exploring our own associations, and using traditional dictionaries, we can begin to understand symbolic language – it opens our eyes a new kind of communication.

Let's Ring Some Bells

Every person has their own unique dream language and symbols – maybe The Dream On Dictionary will suggest some new ideas, or ring some bells, ultimately opening a door to understanding.

I hope you find this Dictionary helpful. Please feel free to leave a comment.

Other Dream Blogs:

10 Steps to Interpreting your Dreams

The Trinity of Faith, Hope and Love

People You Know - Family, Friends, Co-workers, Bosses

Strangers, Vampire, Cheerleaders and Foreign Folk

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