Saturday, December 15, 2012

Is a Kiss Just a Kiss?

Our inner Self exposes us to new ways of being and thinking so that we can grow and more successfully deal in life. When we recognize that a little change is needed and act on that, it's called Integration.

Integration symbols often closely follow the attraction, dating, and mating process - because we universally understand and relate to these symbols. Many times Integration shows in dream actions that use in waking life to show affection, love, acceptance, and friendship. They can be sweet, or they can be earthly.

When we adopt and integrate a new idea (or way of thinking, or living) the symbolic language or stories often align that with getting close to a person, sort of like dating. At the very beginning of the Integration process, you might be sitting with someone (like a date). If you are further along, you might be walking, holding hands, sitting close together (strong interest). As you get really ready to accept the trait, in your dream you may feel attraction, kiss, hug, possibly jump into bed with some person. You may even attend a wedding or get married in your dream.

All this can be pretty confusing if you don't realize its about your inner life. Hey wait - I'm already married!

Symbols and Stages of Integration

1. Starting Toward Integration
If you are meeting with someone, sitting near them, next to, or across from a known or unknown person, you are exposing yourself to new approaches to life that are owned by the other. These traits or aspects of yourself may be helpful to you in your waking life in some way.

2. Movement Forward

If you are walking, running, swimming, climbing you are probably working your way toward a new ‘place’ in terms of accepting a new idea. These actions are very common in dreams because life is an ongoing journey toward more learning. We are always going somewhere.

3. Approaching Integration

If you are talking to another, hugging or embracing them, you kiss them or they you, or they touch  or even bite you you are very close to integrating what they represent. Or maybe you are so close that you feel their breath. The dream probably reveals what you need, and you are ready to accept it. In waking life, very few people are allowed this close, at least in Western culture.

It may still take a little while to work out the exact message and decide how to implement the change. Moving closer is the opposite of running from something in a dream.

4. Complete Integration

Sometimes the final stage of Integration comes with a dramatic moment that demonstrates that you have unified your old self with your new self (i.e. added the new trait to your repertoire). It is now fully part of your psyche, ready to be called upon when needed.  In your dream, you might be under the covers with someone, attending a wedding, at your own wedding, or having sexual intercourse.

When is a Kiss Not Just a Kiss?

It’s important to understand that psychological processes are going on in your dreams, which are then represented waking symbols. So that is a symbolic kiss, a symbolic man, and a symbolic wedding in your dream. Whew! That's a relief!


Just a Little Love Story

It’s just like a simple little love story, "Once upon a time, a woman(you)  met this man (known or unknown) with amazing honestly and gorgeous blue eyes. He was so handsome and attractive, she wanted to kiss him. And then she did."

This is a dream that would make an impression and you would remember it – especially the blue eyes!

And that is the point of our dreams, to be memorable, so we can act on them. Then waking, we can say, "Wow, what a handsome man that was, how beautiful his eyes, so honest. Where should I be more honest and straightforward?”

End of story, beginning of change.

Other Dream Blogs:

10 Steps to Interpreting your Dreams

The Trinity of Faith, Hope and Love

People You Know - Family, Friends, Co-workers, Bosses

Strangers, Vampire, Cheerleaders and Foreign Folk

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