Thursday, April 4, 2013

Ah to be French!

First, I will note that dreams are not respectors of people.

But as Jung would note, the Unconscious is often policially incorrect, and works with associations to deliver a message. Its not concerned with anything except delivering a message using a symbol and the person's own associatiations with that symbolic object. The Unconscious will use rude language and images. It is blunt. It may be inpolite. I accept that.

In a recent dream, I was puzzled by an actress going undercover as a spy, pretending to be French. How am I to take that? What French association works here?

Does it have to do wiht my sense of style?

What undercover work is going on?

Should I travel more?

And as I puzzeled over the image, I remembered recently reading mystery story where the English police needed help from the French police. They lamented that it would probably take a long time, especially since ....'They always pretend like they can't understand you.'

And I thought, 'How funny! That the French are famous for pretending not to understand people's French!'

My grandmother told that story - when she visited France in 1913 she ordered bread and the waiter pretended to not understand her. They've been doing it for so long, they are now known for their little joke. And what a quirky people, that this would be part of their national personality!

Back to the dream....So, here I am (because of course that actress is me) pretending that I am French, that I don't understand something, which of course I understand. It was a funny little dream with a serious message.

So my dream took that little vignette and said, 'Ah, that is like you, Ruth. Sometimes you pretend you don't understand when of course you do. It is just your little game! N'est-ce pas?'

There is more about People in dreams in the blogs below.

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My Favorite Dream Dictionary Websites

Understanding Locations - Key to Getting Your Dream's Message

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Strangers, Vampires, Cheerleaders and Foreign Folk

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