Saturday, August 3, 2013

So You Wanna Be a Baseball Mom!

So, you want to be a Baseball Mom? To be sure its a dream position, head of baseball fanaticism for your family. A position that inspires affection, appreciation, sometimes irritation.

First of all, why do it? Well if your son or daughter loves the game, you'll be out there at the fields for practices and early and late games, all spring, summer and fall. So you might as well enjoy it!

I mean, why be that mom that is playing games on her iPhone, talking to her friends, or reading a book? Why not invest your heart in your kid and the things that make him happy?

Here's how to do it...
  • Most important step, wear the team colors!
  • Bring water, snacks and Gaterade
  • Learn the rules, so ask some questions
  • Take Friday off before tournament weekends - sleep in on Friday and get all your stuff done, so you can enjoy the weekend schedule more.
  • Get your kid flip flops so he can take off his cleats between games
When you start doing all these things, your family will definitely notice and appreciate your support.

That's what it's about, right?

Your kid knows that they have somebody in the stands that loves them no matter what.

If they strike out 3 times, if they miss a tag, you are still on their side. And it's not going to ever change. That is why in addition to everything else, I'm a Baseball Mom.

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