Friday, November 30, 2012

Tables – Coming to the Table, Negotiation

‘Coming to the table’ in a dream can mean that we are working toward a changes in our lives. When we are invited to come to the table we are opening up to new information. Usually we have to think through changes before we accept them. Over time, we assess the benefits and risks, and consider how and when to move forward. This is sort of a negotiation with ourselves.

If you are sitting at the table with others, you are probably there to learn something from them in a comfortable environment. Just as you might meet a friend for lunch, you might meet your dream friends, family or acquaintances. The others will mostly do the talking. We can listen to what they tell us and consider their questions.

When we wake and consider the conversation and symbols, we might find we are being urged to learn a higher way, find creative outlets, leave something behind, or consider new attitudes. You can pick up clues from the setting, food, and company. But just like a friend, there will often be a frank message in the conversation. The worded message is the most important part!

Table Shapes

Square tables might mean that we need more balanced approach to a situation or that we have achieved a balanced approach.

Round tables may point to an area where we are achieving wholeness or need to achieve that wholeness. But it may also point to turning our thinking or situation around, or that we should turn around and not pursue the course we are on.

Eating at the Table

Also consider the food you are eating. A wide variety of food might indicate you need to open up to more sources of sustenance. Eating dessert (end of the meal) might mean you are coming to the end of a chapter or learning experience, and will soon move on to another phase.

Other Dream Blogs:

10 Steps to Interpreting your Dreams

The Trinity of Faith, Hope and Love

People You Know - Family, Friends, Co-workers, Bosses

Strangers, Vampire, Cheerleaders and Foreign Folk

Friday, November 23, 2012

Understanding Locations - Key to Getting Your Dream's Message

Any realtor will tell that location is everything – and that is true in our dreams also. Our outward environment, including cities and countries, can provide a lot of helpful guidance. I would say that the location lays the groundwork for really understanding the dream message.

I know that I don’t have dream places all figured out but I want to share some places I often visit in my dreams – maybe they will remind you of places that show up in yours. Dream locations are often places I have visited on work, errands, or vacation. If I find myself in a given place more than once, it is worth understanding.

New Places – New England, New York, Newport Beach

New England, New York, and Newport Beach all seem to point to going to a new place in my state of consciousness. I am allowing myself to realize new things, think new and different thoughts, and question old assumptions. The ‘New’ places in my dreams seem to be by the water, which seems to point to new information arising from the Unconscious mind.

L.A. or Los Angeles, the City of the Angels

When Los Angeles has turned up in my dreams, at first it was very mysterious to me. In my actual life, I have some family, work contacts, and conferences that are in Southern California and sometimes L.A. itself. But L.A. is an abbreviation is it not for the City of the Angels? When looked at the literal full name, the City of the Angels might point to deeper spiritual meaning or message since Angels bring messages from God. So, then I need to look at who else is in the dream, what the major messages or storyline is, and consider on a deeper level.

Take a Chance in Las Vegas

I seem to find myself working my way through the casino or coming down an escalator to the casino, but it can also be in a conference center or near a wedding chapel. I might be waiting, shopping, attending a class. So… why is that? Las Vegas is about risk, taking a chance, rolling the dice. The escalators can refer to rising or falling fortune, winning or losing. So, when my larger Self suggests taking a risk and see what happens, my dream will be in Las Vegas. If I'm shopping, I should be evaluating options. Attending a class means I have something to learn from the dream. If I'm looking for or waiting outside the wedding chapel, the dream may mean that I'm almost to the desired result - balance of male or female energy, the end of a learning cycle, or an awaited successful result.

Lafayette, CO

You probably never heard of Lafayette, but I have a friend who lives there and she is one of the most creative people that I know. She teaches music in her Lafayette studio and in another mountain town. She plays in the orchestra, raises all kinds of peppers, grape vines and peaches. She goes hunting for giant elks and skis all winter. So, when my dream places me in Lafayette, I know that dream is about letting my creativity out and my light shine. After 30 years in the corporate world, apparently I need to hear this message on a regular basis. Maybe you have a town, a garden, a city center that might mean something similar to you. Our psyche uses the tools it has, so if you don’t know of such a place, don’t despair! Your psyche will make a place up for you!


Mexico – Get in Touch with Your Feelings Leads to Psychological Growth

Mexico shows up in my dreams a lot too - finally I realized that Mexico was an important symbol for me.  It can mean that I need to go to a place where stoicism and the ‘stiff upper lip’ are not celebrated. The Mexican culture allows showing of joy, pride, sorrow, pain, grief, and anger. Emotions can be on the surface, not hidden or unacknowledged. So, in my dream Mexico, I can get real, at least with myself. I should not be stuffing feelings or problems, hoping they will go away. A better way is to walk through them.

So, how did I get to the symbolism? It took awhile. And it came through remembering seeing some of the work of Frida Khalo - that was a few years ago when a movie about her life was releaed. If you are familiar with her paintings, you will know how raw they are. Oh, my God, so raw. Her life’s pain is on the canvas for everyone to see. How could she be so brave, so vulnerable, and so open?

Sometimes we, and our culture, demand that we cut off our hearts in order to seem ‘normal.’ But isn’t our pain, devastation and grief normal? Don’t we all suffer the same? I hope you have some people in your life that are able to share your troubles and pains. Our dream Self is such a person, who is supportive in all environments and who actively seeks to help us with trouble, dilemmas, and the work of living.

There is another thing apparent in the surroundings in Mexico – the vibrancy of the jungle and the beauty of the desert gardens speaks to tremendous inner growth. I believe the natural organic plants images are interrelated with emotional growth which is so very important to our futures and happiness. I hope to write later on plants, gardens, and old wood growth.

I would love to hear about your dream locations, and what they mean to you. Please feel free to leave a comment.

San Diego

To go to San Diego in a dream may indicate that you are in a border area. In waking life, there is a major border crossing between San Diego and the city of Tia Juana. The border is open and free and thousands of people pass back and forth across the border every day. Since Mexico symbolizes a culture where emotions and feelings are expressed more openly, being in San Diego in a dream means that I’m in a place (a good place) where I can easily communication between reason/intellect and my emotional/intuitive self. San Diego is a place of harmonious balance.



For me, the Texas I visit in my dreams is the Home of the Southern Baptists, strong on law, not so strong on grace or mercy. If I’m in Texas in a dream, I am in a world where the outward appearance of righteousness is very important. Your Texas connotations may be very different from mine, but perhaps you have your own dream location that represents intolerance and rigid adherence to legalistic standards.

Other Dream Blogs:

10 Steps to Interpreting your Dreams

The Trinity of Faith, Hope and Love

People You Know - Family, Friends, Co-workers, Bosses

Strangers, Vampire, Cheerleaders and Foreign Folk

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Singing, Songs and Harmony

Singing in your dream can mean that your heart is speaking in its own language (music), often without any words.

What is your heart expressing? It’s joy or its sorrow? The emotions in our dreams are our own real emotions, sometimes the ones we don’t know how to express or would be inappropriate to express. Sometimes that is revealed in a song. The heart needs to be heard too and it will speak in our dreams, especially if not allowed to in our waking lives.

If you are singing with another person, is it in perfect harmony? Is this other person themselves, or possibly the other part of ourselves? If you are a woman, you might sing with a man, who is your inner anima (really part of you that is being developed and given voice). This might mean that you are more in harmony with yourself than you have been before.

Singing alongside another person in harmony can be a message about peace, living in peace with that person, enjoying God’s peace in a waking situation. Sometimes our dreams send us a message about our waking lives, but I believe it also sends messages of support. This might not be one to act on, but to just enjoy.

Other Dream Blogs:

10 Steps to Interpreting your Dreams

The Trinity of Faith, Hope and Love

People You Know - Family, Friends, Co-workers, Bosses

Strangers, Vampire, Cheerleaders and Foreign Folk

Friday, November 16, 2012

Dream Colors - White, Yellow, Gold, Red, Pink, Hot Pink, Spring Green, Moss Green, Kelly Green, Midnight Blue, and Silver

Many times a Color has added a deeper dimension to a dream message. Sometimes the dream dictionaries have been helpful but I have found that colors can also have individual meanings, or at least that the colors have some alternative meanings for me, and maybe you.


White can point to the spiritual nature of an object or symbol, but I have found that it is also sometimes a ‘highlight’, that a glowing, white object can be very significant, as if it has been highlighted. Pay attention to highlighted objects, they may have very special significance.

Yellow or Gold

Yellow and Gold can also be a highlight, making our eye look here and take notice. Often I find when I ask, ‘why is that thing yellow?’ the dream message opens on entirely new level.

Red, Blood Red

Red can refer to strong emotions of the heart and may refer to learning to live with your emotions, show them, and be comfortable with them. We often find ourselves uncomfortable with our emotions, thinking we should be able to regulate them in some way. But often our heads do not really understand our heart, what it needs, why it hurts, or how to express joy, sadness, grief.


Light Pink, Medium Pink

Several objects, organs, and even animals have been pink in my dreams. After a dream in which the words ‘pinking sheers’ came to me, I realized the pink is what I was seeing as through sheers, or thin draperies. It is the way that our blood looks through our skin, pink, alive, living, translucent, the inside showing out, revealing our emotional states. Sometimes an image like this can make us consider what we love to do, where our hearts and energy want to go, what makes us tick? If we can answer those questions, what changes should we make in our lives?


Hot Pink, Bright Purple

These colors can refer to daring sexuality. Where did it show up in your dream? Was it hidden? Was it in the open? In clothing? Or in the decor? Can be either appropriate or inappropriate depending on what else was happening in the dream. Perhaps your dream is telling you are headed in the right direction, need to live this part of your self more, or it is more of a warning.

Midnight Blue, Dark Blue, Blue/Black

A sky blue can reflect joy, spirituality and freedom - but what if it is tinted toward black? That could mean that there is much sorrow mixed in, the blues in fact. What objects in your dream are dark blue? 

Is there any resolution shown in the dream? Are there other symbols that might refer to death and rebirth, such as water, children, light?

Light Green, Spring Green

Light green means that very new things coming about, as in the very first leaves in spring. This can be a sign that you are beginning a new phase in your growth, weaving a new pattern, or a new opportunity is presenting itself to you. If there is light green clothing, who is wearing it? What can you learn from that person?

Kelly Green, Moss Green, or Intense Green

Intense Green can refer to the robust health or strong growth of your inner self, or spirit. Intense green shoots indicate new growth. You are on the right path. Kelly green can possibly refer to your Irish heritage or the Emerald Isle.

Mossy green can refer to ancient growth, such as might grow on a rock, or in a streambed. Do the other images seem to refer back to something very old, perhaps in mankind’s ancient past? Did you see a dwarf, the Green Man, a jar? These symbols that seem to come from a life our ancestors might have lived thousands of years ago are difficult to understand – what I do is record them and try to live with them a while. If there is something very important here, the message will be clarified.



The color silver can represent what is beautiful, true and enduring, often our spirit, or the Spirit of God.  The silver spiritual object shows us we have guidance and are not alone. Perhaps we need to look behind us, above us to see spiritual supports in our lives.



For Gray, please read my blog on the Wearin’ of the Gray.

Other Dream Blogs:

10 Steps to Interpreting your Dreams

The Trinity of Faith, Hope and Love

People You Know - Family, Friends, Co-workers, Bosses

Strangers, Vampire, Cheerleaders and Foreign Folk

Spiders, Spider Webs, and Weaving Dream Meanings

Monday, November 12, 2012

Cell Phone Dream Symbols, Antennas, Computers

In our daily lives, we constantly interact with technology so it seems natural that technology would also enter into our dreams. The cell phone, antenna and computer are three dream symbols that show up in my dream life, aimed directly at increasing communication with our spiritual selves and helping us to accomplish our inner work.

The Cell Phone Dream Symbol

The cell phone is similar to an antenna in that it uses a non-physical communication link. Communicating with energy or waves through the air can represent our communication with the spiritual world - the Spirit, God, Jesus, our own Self or spirit.

So, what is happening with your cell phone? Is it lost? Have you possibly lost connection with someone important in your life, God, or even yourself? Is there a message you can’t receive because your phone is lost?  Could there be some significance to how or where it was lost? Was it at the mall, a restaurant, a lake? Was it stolen? Usually losing your cell phone is a pretty big problem.

Or, has you cell phone been found? Where was it found? Who found it? How was it restored to you? These questions can help you understand the meaning and purpose of the cell phone in your dream.

Antenna Dream Symbol 

An antenna will literally pluck the information out of ‘thin air.’ Seeing an antenna  can signal communication with someone not physical, such as the Spirit, God, you own Self.  What color is it in your dream?  If it’s white, it’s likely a spiritual antenna. If you had a spiritual antenna, how might you use it to be more spiritually attuned?

colorful pastel drawing of a 'value added' office environment, with compatible people, gleaming white computer and antenna, and mobility needed.
An Office Image from a Dream

Computer Dream Symbol 

A computer is an all-purpose work tool and can signify that you have unlimited resources available for the work you need to do. ‘Work’ does not always refer to your job. Your ‘work’ may be inner work, spiritual work, work in understanding where you are, or where you need to go next. There will probably be other clues in your dream to point you in the right direction.

Communication and Work Dreams

Dreams where there is a symbol around cell phones, antennas, or a computer can signal that there is more information to come. Hopefully soon! But surely, when we are ready and receptive. So, we should be alert and attentive. Maybe in your next dream, or three dreams from now, the phone could ring, the email or letter may arrive, a person may speak important words to you.

It’s often the case that our Self  works over time to reveals what we need to change or growth opportunities. So, don’t expect all the answers in one dream. There may be just one or two things for you to think about or take action on, with more coming later.

I try not to be frustrated, but to trust the process, and know that the clues, words, direction will come when I am ready. But I think it’s also OK if I’m angry or frustrated to ask for more information, or even express that anger to inner Self, my spirit, or God (whoever I think is the problem).

Other Dream Blogs:

10 Steps to Interpreting your Dreams

The Trinity of Faith, Hope and Love

People You Know - Family, Friends, Co-workers, Bosses

Strangers, Vampire, Cheerleaders and Foreign Folk

Spiders, Spider Webs, and Weaving Dream Meanings

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Spiders, Spider webs, and Weaving Dream Meanings

I am no big fan of spiders, but they seem to be fond of me – in my dreams they show up regularly with stories about weaving, mobilizing, and cleaning up my house. Here are some of the meanings that have come to me through my spider friends.

Spider weaving a web

This can be an image of how we are weaving our destinies or our lives. What color is the spider in your dream? He was spring green in my dream and was weaving his web in the same way that women weave lace, with a tatting motion. This can be a reference to how we are weaving, or perhaps that we need to start weaving.


Jumping spider

Spiders are able to do amazing acrobatic feats, just like Spiderman in the movie, jump across a room, walk on the ceiling, show incredible speed. If your spider is exhibiting Cirque de Soleil type behavior, you should consider how you can leap over obstacles in your path. Don’t just look at the conventional methods or paths, consider gravity-defying moves yielding quick success. You are not constrained by what others might do or think or the prescribed path to your destiny. Your dream is telling you there might be a shorter way.

Mobilized spiders

Due to their many legs, they are able to mobilize quickly and in any direction. Groups of spiders mobilizing in a direction or circles show immediate intense energy for getting the job done. This might be a clue on how you need to take action, on all fronts, right now.

Cobwebs in corners

Pastel drawing of a doorway, spider webs, and a green spider as seen in a dream.

You might have some old ideas, plans, business that you need to clear up. Get the broom out, look in all the corners of your life. Get rid of old, useless, dead ideas and plans. You might need to consider an entirely new direction.

Another possible meaning is Fuzzy thinking. I know I've once or twice added 1 plus 1 and got something besides 2. Could your dream be telling you that you are making too many assumptions? perhaps we need to look make sure we have the facts, and are not guilty of wishful thinking.


Caught in a spider’s web

This is a very serious image. Pay attention! If you are a ‘butterfly caught in a spider’s web’ you are suffering unnecessary pain and are caught in a web of someone else’s making. You need to get out. You owe that spider nothing, don’t regret it if you need to demolish that web to get out. Just get out.

Jump, weave, or scamper your way to success.

Other Blogs:
10 Steps to Interpreting your Dreams

The Trinity of Faith, Hope and Love

People You Know - Family, Friends, Co-workers, Bosses

Strangers, Vampire, Cheerleaders and Foreign Folk

Friday, November 9, 2012

10 Steps to Interpreting Your Dreams

You will know when you have a meaningful dream – it will hit you right between the eyes. It will wake you up in the middle of the night and the details will be clear.  You will remember this dream, even if you forget all the others.

So let's get to the bottom of it. Our dreams don’t use many words, the dreams use symbolic language. We all have a deep understanding of nature, people, animals, and the seasons, even us city dwellers. But often we are not aware of that, so we have to tease out the meanings with time and effort.

It becomes easier with practice.

Here are Ten Easy Steps to understanding the message of your dream.

1) Approach your dream with an attitude of thankfulness and appreciation. Be sincere about understanding it.

2) Write it down in narrative form, like a story. Do this as soon as you can, if possible without standing up or even rolling over.

3) Then pull out the keywords, symbols, things that don’t make sense. Leave a line or two between each word. Write down any words that you speak, a voice speaks, another person in the dream.

Note: This is the ‘Voice which must be heard’. It may be your soul or God speaking. It is the truth.

4) Record all the dream sequences even if they don’t seem related. They probably are related even if the settings change. Work through each one separately, and then consider how they relate to each other.

5) Relax and tell yourself, ‘I want to understand and I will.” Let your mind rest a little before starting.

6) Start working thru the symbols, one by one, write down associations, getting ideas from dream dictionaries, and regular dictionaries. Consider what the people in it might mean. They are often examples of characteristics you need to integrate into your life, or take as an example. Or perhaps they serve a useful purpose in the storyline of the dream.

7) Let your ideas sit. Walk away and come back later. Ideas may come to you in the meantime.

8) Sometimes you are really mystified. If a symbol doesn’t make any sense after a day or two, really dig in to it. How? Get out your colored pencils, pens, or markers and draw the dream, connecting related items. Often more details will come back to you. Did a character look like someone you know? Maybe the leaves were an intense green?

9) Look at the dreams you had a day, two days, or a week ago. Often your Unconscious will be stubbornly working on the problem for weeks or months, and will give you clues or important messages over a long period of time.

10) You should have a pretty good idea of the problem or issue that the dream is dealing with. You may not want to think about it, but if a dream has reached out and smacked you, then you can't ignore it any longer. Revisit your dreams searching for answers and advice on how to move forward. Where is the energy directed? What should you do with the new information?

Dreams are meant to help us to find ways through difficulties, uncover hidden truths, and reveal our strengths to ourselves. They are often comforting and supportive, and well worth understanding. As we learn to work with our dreams, if something is not making sense, it's OK to ask for more information from your dreams another night. The more we sleep, the more we find out. It's a really interesting process.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Wearin’ of the Gray

The Color Gray, as a Dream Symbol

Many times a Color has jumped out in a dream with a deeper message for me. Sometimes the dream dictionaries have been helpful, but sometimes not. The suggestions I saw in dream books for Gray were around depression, uncertainty, or indecisiveness. Really?

Gray Dresses

For me, those meanings did not seem relevant at all and I’ll tell you why. The gray showed up in two different dreams as gray dresses both times. The first dress was a darker gray satin formal length gown with spaghetti straps.

A dream will often present more questions than answers. By thinking about and answering the question, you will bring the information from your Unconscious to you Conscious mind - and be able to act to transform your life and thinking. So why a gray formal gown – it’s so not a party color.

In the second dream, I was at a boutique, trying on different styles of clothes. I tried on a gray dress, but not just any gray dress! It was such as a very high-powered woman executive might wear, beautifully weighted cloth, conservative cut, nice movement and flow and soft, yet structures. Clearly a meaningful dress, unrelated to depression or indecision.

An Aha! Moment

I didn't have that‘aha’ moment until quite a few months later, as I was getting my hair colored, covering the gray. Aha!


Those dream dresses were about wearing my age proudly, confidently, along with whatever wisdom and insight I might now have. They were a message of elegance, faith, stature. They were a message about not being fearful that I’m not so young (I did not say old!). A message about not being afraid of middle life.

Sure, there are complications and challenges, but now I have some ways to understand and deal with the challenges, better than ever before. That comes with my gray hair.

Beyond Black and White

As with symbols, there can be more than one layer. I think these dreams had more – about Life not being black and white, it’s often gray. And our maturity, life experience, and self forgiveness help us deal with the gray – and each other – with understanding and grace.

I know I need that. So, Gray is great!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Dream Dictionaries for the Bookish

For those who might want to do some background reading and are looking for good references to help understand their dream life better, I have a couple of suggestions.

Jung - Foundational Research on Dreams and Symbols,

A fine place to start is Man and His Symbols, by Carl Gustav Jung. This is probably available at your public library, but if it is not, it is still in print. Dr. Jung researched dream phenomena extensively and his research is very helpful in understanding the purpose and intent behind our dreams. He also researched universal symbols that occur over and over again, across time and culture. The fact that many people experience the very same symbols in their dreams makes finding their meanings a bit easier. We can actually help one another.

Dream Dictionaries

I also own two dream dictionaries that I refer to constantly, along with the good old Websters dictionary. The first one is The Dream Book, by Betty Bethards, which has many good suggestions, especially on numbers, colors, and houses. Her focus is very much on the practical application of the dreams in our daily lives.

The other dream dictionary is Cloud Nine, A Dreamer’s Dictionary, by Sandra A. Thomson. The Cloud Nine dictionary has more words, and sometimes more extensive historical research that can include Alchemy, and even ancient Egyptian symbols and meanings.

I have to admit, my symbols are mostly shockingly mundane, which points to a misspent youth. But your dream symbols may indeed hark back to a much earlier time and be very interesting!

Feel free to post a comment.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Strangers, Vampires, Cheerleaders and Foreign Folk

Learning from People you Don’t Know.

In a previous blog, I discussed the meanings that can be found within the Dream Characters that seem to be people we know. Often they don’t represent themselves, but rather aspects of ourselves that may be growing, or attitudes or characteristics that we may adopt that can be helpful in our growth or development, possibly helping us deal with new tricky situations and puzzles in our lives.
This blog will talk about some of the Unknown people that populate our dreams. I think unknown people can also help us learn about ourselves and help us grow.

Why are they there?

First of all, why have Unknown People in our dreams at all? Don’t we know enough people already? The Psyche or Unconscious mind might have any number of purposes for populating a dream with unknown persons.
• maybe we don’t know anyone who would serve as a likely illustration
• maybe using a known person would distract us too much from the main message
• maybe the kind of person/character does not exist in the waking world – like a vampire. It’s going to be hard to find a real vampire in our actual lives
• Maybe a movie character is a better fit than someone we know?

Foreign People, Personal Messages

Foreign people - these can represent new characteristics that we might want to adopt, represented by people who don’t look like us, might have a different language or culture. They may represent things as unknown spiritual ideas, practicality, and deep emotional expression. These are my own examples and may differ very much from what you dream experience.

• I attended the wedding of an Indian couple. I believe this was a way of showing integration of male and female aspects. Why would I need to attend the wedding of an unknown Indian couple? I believe I had some things to learn about balance in my life, understanding more about bringing my whole self to bear in my work.

• A Chinese woman offered me a new job in Beijing, perhaps this was to help me open up to different kinds of opportunities.

• A Vampire once tried to bite me in a dream. When he got very close, he melted into me in a wave of heat. I believe the message was about living with, accepting that emotions should be expressed. I had to get down to where I lived and breathed, or bled.

Unknown Strangers – Actions Speak Louder than Words

Unknown woman in my way – the one I describe here, looked a little like me, same height and hair, but I only saw her from the back… because she cut right in front of me and was in my way. Unfortunately, I think she was me, and I was in my own way! I needed to get out of my own way at that point in time.

Unknown woman shooter – In this case again, it was not important who the woman was, what her clothes looked like, or what her name was. She followed me in a car. When I got out to see what she wanted, she took out a gun and shot toward me but missed. I have since concluded that she missed because those were warning shots. She was unknown because I don’t have any friends who would shoot at me.

Dreams with Teams and Cheerleaders

Cheerleaders - Maybe we don’t have a lot of cheerleaders in our lives or we just need some more. These represent us congratulating and cheering ourselves on, or it can be our Unconscious mind showing a lot of approval and support in new steps we are taking or must take soon.

Sports Teams – These are also a very supportive symbol. These are often a ‘great cloud of witnesses’ to our progress. They show us that we have extensive resources for growth. We should call on our waking friends, family, books, and other resources to fuel our growth.

Sometimes our dreams symbols point us to important learning that can broaden our perspective and show us how to live better. Sometimes they give direct input on how to run our waking lives, sometimes they give us support in our journey. They are all good – take time to get to know the people that show up in your dreams. They are there to help you.

Also, see the blog on People You Know.