Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Butterfly and the Web

The Butterfly

The Butterfly that show up in my dreams was a captive in a spider web and really needed to escape. In the dream the message was very clear. That was the entire image and message of the dream. There was nothing more.

Usually if there is just one image, there will be a lot of meaning packed in there. It is as if my Unconscious mind has searched for just the right image, entirely unique, to exactly illustrate my situation.

Colorful drawing of a circular spider web with a butterfly captured in it
Butterfly Caught in a Spider Web
So, that causes one to stop and think, right?

Beautiful and Free

So what was interesting about the dream?

The image of the butterfly. Of course, I'm the butterfly, a lovely image. In what ways is that true?

I'm on life's journey.

I'm one of natures most beautiful and colorful creatures.

I am directed by instincts and choices.

I don't have the zooming speed or directness of a bee, but the loping, generally awkward flight of a butterfly. But a butterfly manages to get to their destination somehow.

The butterfly is also a free creature, not bound by international boundaries or time zones. It very much goes its own way. There might be others around and it might migrate with a lot of other butterflies, but generally it looks after itself.

And the web?

Why does it look like a dream catcher? Do I need bigger dreams? new dreams? new direction?

What else is sticky and holding me back? What are the cobwebs that need clearing.

When I get an image like this, I will think about it a while, write some things down, come back later and think again. There can be layers and multiple ideas captured in even a small image like this.

What is interesting is that I believe this is a personal image that was inspired directly by the song 'King of Pain' by The Police. In 'King of Pain' I hear an artist's despair over the vastness of the pain in the world, which we can't ignore, even it we would like too. We also cannot ignore the sources of our own pain, which surely exist. Sometimes there is a remedy, and action we can take. And sometimes there is not.

I would like to hear your thoughts about the blog. Was this helpful? Interesting? Can you relate to it?

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