Las Vegas
Las Vegas is about risk, taking a chance, rolling the dice. It’s a place where anything goes and you are free of your normal constraints, for better or worse. It’s also awake 24 hours a day. Your dream may be telling you to take the risk, or that you might be taking too big a risk.Lamp
A lamp, torch, or torchiere represents hope and enlightenment. This is a very positive signal and will often be part of dream that helps you move forward with greater insight, and with the support of your faith. These can also be beacons helping you to find your way.
If you are late and have missed an opportunity in your dream, you may be missing a real life opportunity too. Maybe you are a little sleepy and need to wake up and get going. Maybe you are at a time in life where decisions are usually made, about school, career, marriage, or family and perhaps you are delaying too long. Sometimes life’s opportunities pass us by if we are not paying attention and taking action at the right time. Maybe you already know that and are still afraid to move ahead. Ask your dreams for more information on the small steps you can take in the right direction.
In dreams, lovers live out or act out our feelings around significant love relationships. How are the lovers acting? Do they say anything? Are they dealing with painful unrequited feelings or loss? Are they careless of each others’ feelings? Are they in harmony, possibly singing together. Dream lovers can reflect both our feelings and acceptance of ourselves, or they can reflect what is going on our actual relationships.
Lying Down
If a dream character is lying on the floor, then something serious is going on that is making it impossible for the character (you) to move forward. The emotions in the dream will tell you if it is sorrow or loss. The dream emotions are your own being expressed by prostrating your dream character.
If you are having trouble with math in your dream, you Unconscious migt be telling you that something is not adding up, your logic is faulty. Or if you have forgotten your math book, you might need to really lose the 'math book' in your waking life. You may not find the answers you seek in logic, figuring or calcuation. Maybe your heart will speek or another source of wisdom will help you far more. Sometimes we think and think and think and we cannot resolve an issue or problem - that means that it is a spiritual or emotional issue, not subject to 'math' rules. The answers probably lie in prayer, medication, intuition, connectedness with life and the universe. Seek another path.
If you see a model in your dream, look at the association. If someone's wife or husband does not look like herself or himself, but is tall, thin, and beautiful, you are looking at a 'model wife' or a 'model hustand'. Maybe a 'model student', 'model citizen' or a 'model employee' appears? Is that person really a 'model' to follow? or perhaps the dream points out that you could be a better 'model.'
If you see coins or bills changing hands, or payments being made, you may need to 'make change' or deal with change. Some interpret coins as small changes, and paper money as larger changes.
New, Neo
Any use of the work 'new' can indicate change coming into your life such as a new attitude, new opportunities you've created, changes you've been working on. Examples are newspapers, newsrooms, new cars, friends, people, houses, clothes, stores, locations, workplaces, New England, Newton. The Unconscious can slip in references to 'new.'
New Places – New England, New York, Newport Beach
New England, New York, and Newport Beach all seem to point to going to a new place. By going to a place with ‘New’ in the name, you are being told that you are progressing in your personal journey and that changes are taking place. You are allowing yourself to realize new things, think new and different thoughts, and question old assumptions.Numbers
Numbers that show up in dreams are often the most unclear part of the dream. It can be very hard to come up with anything that means alot of sense. I'm going to add a few notes, but I would encourage you to investigate other sources, especially numbers as they relate to you personally.
2 - related to a duo, or opposites, often opposites that form a complete whole. This can show us as a couple, a blond and a brunette (light and dark).
3 - Three can have many meanings. I find that groups of three often references Faith, Hope and Love. It can also be a reference I believe to a triangle, or delta symbol, a reference to change or difference, as in 'what is the delta between those two things?'
4 - The number four most often occurs as a four sided table, or square table. A square table is a symbol of balance, a place of meeting and integration. Two couples may also sybmolize this kind of balance of four.
5 - 'Five Alive' like the citrix drink. Almost always if I see five of something in my dreams, they animals, spiders or whatnot are in agitation, quick movement. I believe this means the psyche is moving and taking action. Get ready for changes.
11 - Can refer to the time being very late, as in 11:00, or the eleventh hour, possibly the final hour. This would indicate urgency, the time to act is now, act before it is too late.
24 - There are twenty four hours equals in day. This may be a reference to a hope that might come true 'one day.'
50 - My age. '50' often occurs with a message of being late. I think we have expectations of what we should have done by major milestones. If something important has not been accomplished, we may have dreams, like mine with a message of lateness, or physically being 'behind.' This would refer to our inner work usually, gaining maturity, taking important steps when we need to take them.
Obstacles – People, Rocks, Stairs, Roads
If there are obstacles in your path, your dream is preparing you to overcome them. When you identify and plan for obstacles you can find ways around them or over them. Your dream may even tell you what the best approach or easiest way is. If there is a person in front of you blocking your way, that person may well be you.Old Woman
The old person you used to be. If you see an old woman leaving, you have released some part of you that was holding you back. You are new now.Overlook
When you find yourself on a cliff in a dream, you may be improving your outlook, by overlooking a wide area from above. Or perhaps you have ‘overlooked’ something important which might be in your waking life. You might not be taking something seriously enough. In your dream life, you might have ‘overlooked’ a detail that is key to understanding a dream. Or you might feel ‘overlooked’ by someone important to you, causing hurt and confusion. Maybe this person regularly overlooks you and your needs and you need to rearrange the relationship, possibly by improving your outlook, taking a higher path, or setting new boundaries on your side of the relationship.
An owl is a symbol of wisdom, as in a 'Wise Old Owl' and may appear as a herald of mysteries, things as yet unknown, wisdom from intuitive sources, night gifts (like helpful dreams). A white owl or one that appears in the daytime, has enlightening things to tell you.
If you are painting in your dream, that can reflect how you are using your creative energy to create opportunities in your life. There may be interesting content in the details of the picture you are painting, like water, animals, the landscape. Perhaps you seem like a master painter creating a beautiful finished piece. Or perhaps you feel you don't yet have the skill or technique and you are a mere beginner with much to learn.
Passed or Past
If you see a scene or person from the past and this is the main association with that person, you may need to move on in some area of your life, and make that situation part of your past. Walking away from or toward something is a common dream activity. There will probably be other symbols that clue you into what that situation is.
People Known and Unknown
Most of the time, the people in our dreams are part of ourselves which may be underdeveloped in our psychological make-up. Or the people may just point out patterns of behavior that might apply to some waking situation, so that our Self calls up the image of someone we know or have known in the past to illustrate an attitude, ability or thought that might help us out. The dream may evoke a person we knew long ago, a current friend, or several people to make a given point. Over time, we may see that a certain person is regularly used to illustrate a characteristic, or approach to problems.People, known and unknown, can also represent desirable (empathy, assertiveness, initiative) or undesirable qualities (selfishness, dishonesty, arrogance). We like to think these bad character traits are owned by others, not ourselves, so it’s natural that an unpleasant person will illustrate that character trait. But even so, a dream is a message from ourselves to ourselves, so we might ask ourselves how that characteristic might help us in a given situation?
Is the dream character ever herself or himself, rather than a aspect of the dreamer? I think that can be so, if the dream is dealing with a problem in that relationship, and if the dreamer has asked for help with that situation. As a general rule, I think it’s better to assume they are ourselves, using a person-symbol to reflect back a truth or helpful advice to ourselves, usually unrelated to the actual person.
Consider the person in the dream and try and distill your experience with that person to a single word. It may take a while to come up with one word. I suggest brainstorming on paper, writing down all the words that seem appropriate, remembering situations and noting them. You will know when you’ve come to the word.
Also, see Anima/Animus Figures, and individual Character Traits
Personnel Manager
A personnel manager in a company has the tasks of bringing new people and workers into a company and also escorting them out. They can represent a gatekeeper, a St. Peter figure, or even the Angel of Death in the dream world. When encountering people you may know in your dreams, they may personify some key trait that you need to identify with or they might represent a role or necessary character in your dream drama. In one case, a particular personnel manager sat in the back during a dream funeral. It made no sense that the person herself would be at the event, but it made perfect sense that she would be there to oversee a separation ceremony or memorial service.Praying Mantis
There may be several associations with the Praying Mantis, including their ability to camaflage themselves, their unusual mating habits, prayerfullness, or growth.
If they are associated with the plants that they resemble, such as green succulents like an Aloe Vera plant , they maybe be a symbol of integration of rich growth right into the physical body. They could be a living (fauna) version of rich, juicy, health-giving growth.
See Succulents.
A purse might include things we need, essential things. If the bag is lost, we are missing something very important. Finding a new bag might represent finding a new thing to do, or a new way to be.
See Wallet.
The raccoon can be the Trickster in our dreams. As the Trickster he use his mischevious ways or clever hands to get to what is hidden, or off limits.
If you are going to a retreat, this might mean that you should remove yourself from all the business in your outer life, so you attend to your inner life. If the retreat reflects other spiritual symbols like the center, circles, mountains or light, you are probably receiving a spiritual message. Or you might simply need to go back, or retreat from your current spot – perhaps you’ve missed something important.Rats and Rodents
If the rat is boring through the wall, he is a bad rat! and something in your life might be boring you to tears. The context of the dream will probably point out whether its your spiritual practice, career, relationship, your pastimes. Maybe you should be considering changes to make your life more interesting – a new field, travel, art, being with new people.
If you are trapped in some way in a dream, you will often be receiving a message about rescuing or delivering yourself. Even if another person comes to your rescue, that dream person probably points to attributes you associate with that person which will help you to rescue yourself. You might find that in the dream, it is actually absurdly easy to effect a rescue. It may be only your own thoughts and expectations that require a tweek.
Rising above a difficult situation and broadening your perspective. See Balloon.
Roller coaster
If you are riding a roller coaster in your dreams, you have choices in your life that could be very exciting. Life is indeed unpredictable with many twists, turns, ups and downs. Taking a risk can seem like jumping on a roller coaster, but if you are enjoying the roller coaster ride, you may be ready to take that exciting new opportunity.
Room and Back Room
Rooms can have many meanings. One that recurs in my dreams are shops, bars, or houses with a front or public area and a separate back area. The back area might be a store room, or work room. I believe when I am passing from the front to the back, my dream is telling me that I have personal work to do - work that might be private, not for public consumption. It might be studying, journaling, writing, communing with others with similar pursuits. Sometimes I will find an unusual treasure there, something not everyone can see, just for me.
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