Friday, February 15, 2013

Kharma and my Catholic Mom

Did your Mom say something like “This will come back to you!” In my family, this meant that whatever unfortunate behavior or attitude that was on display would surely be visited upon me later in life, probably by my own beloved children.

As it turns out, Mom was right about this and a lot of other things. By the way, this is the Catholic version of Karma.

So, how does the great Karmic Wheel show up in dream life? I think I’ve found a couple of images that speak to the force of Karma being activated in my waking life, and by listening to my dreams; I was able to detect it. I’ll admit I’m not the most spiritually attuned person, so often a series of symbols will show up which eventually form an identifying pattern.

Linked Rooms

Rooms which lead into one another, are connected, especially back rooms or hidden rooms point to the connectedness of our past, present, and future. Rooms that are connected and climb upward through a house can also show that we are evolving, moving, changing, yet all our experiences are connected to a larger whole.

Our lives are like rooms - we are in one stage of life, then move naturally to the next, just like walking into a new room. We are constantly learning, and growing, finding new interests and friends. As we move we connect past experiences, relationships, Karma, and even the Collective Unconscious to our present.

When dreams connected rooms appear, it may be important to look back.

Karma Questions

  • Have I been here before?
  • What did I learn?
  • Did I do right or wrong?
  • If wrong, am I on the other side now and how does that feel?
  • If this is payback, what might I do with that information?

Interlinking the Past, Present, Future

We don't really move on from the past, we carry it with us and we can chose to let it teach us a better way. Sometimes we need to make changes, sometimes reparations.

Other Dream Blogs:

10 Steps to Interpreting your Dreams

The Trinity of Faith, Hope and Love

People You Know - Family, Friends, Co-workers, Bosses

Strangers, Vampire, Cheerleaders and Foreign Folk

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