Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Numbers – Do They Add Up?

Numbers that show up in dreams are often the most unclear part of the dream. On the other hand, numbers, letters and pictures all have rich meanings. So shouldn't there be a reason that we dream of an address on First Street or a ticket that cost $12,000?

If we just react to the number as if a $12,000 theater ticket is just a fantastical random number, we might miss something very important. So we might chose to try and decipher the clue - we might succeed or fail. But, I usually will try.

If you find the meaning, you will have a better understanding of the dream message. If you don’t I would encourage you to write it down. The number may come up again, and the additional information may help you in a direction.
I confess I don't have all the answers here, but am very willing to share what I’ve learned. I would advise the reader to search other dream dictionaries and sites, and their own reference points for meaning. 

I wish I could supply a more complete list, but I hope to learn more and share more over time. I will just use the excuse that I want to be additive, rather than exhaustive on this blog! So, here goes:


Two or 2

I find that two is often related to a duo, sometimes opposites which together form a complete whole. This can show us as a couple, a blond and a brunette (light and dark), or a man and a woman. Two parts of one person that might be in conflict with one another. Or two can reflect double strength or something times two, as in an equation, Faith X 2.

Photograph of two rosy apples. Two can mean two opposite, or times two or double strength.

Three or 3

Three can have many meanings for me. I find that groups of three often references Faith, Hope and Love. It can also be a reference I believe to a triangle, or delta symbol, a reference to change or difference, as in 'what is the delta between those two things?'

Four or 4

The number four most often occurs as a four sided table, or square table. A square table is a symbol of balance, a place of meeting and integration. Sometimes there will be two couples may also symbolize this kind of balance of four.


Five or 5

'Five Alive' like the citrus drink, which somehow has lodged in my head as a little rhyme. Almost always if I see five of something in my dreams, be they animals or animals, they will be agitated, moving quickly, very alive. I believe this means the psyche is moving and taking action. Get ready for changes.

Ten or 10

Perfection, as in a 'perfect 10.' Complete, finished, perfected.

Picture of wall clock showing 3 mintues past 12 o'clock. Sometimes the number 11 means, almost twelve, almost time, 11th hour.

Eleven or 11

Eleven can refer to the time being very late, as in 11:00 pm, or the eleventh hour, possibly the final hour. This would indicate urgency, that the time to act is now, or to act before it is too late.

Twenty Four or 24

There are twenty four hours in day. This may be a reference to a hope that might come true 'one day.'

Fifty or 50

My age happens to be fifty this year. The number fifty seems to refer to my age, and often with a message of being late. This is perhaps due to my internal conscious and unconscious expectations of what I should have accomplished by this point in my life. It might also be  a reminder that time is precious and delaying isn’t a great choice. If something important has not been accomplished, we may have dreams, like mine with a message of lateness, or physically being 'behind.' This would refer to our inner work usually, gaining maturity, taking important steps when we need to take them.

Another potential meaning is in 50% or half a hundred, half a dollar. This could refer to mid-life, being halfway there, or what to do with the other half of your life.

It’s certainly possible to live to a hundred – one of my grandmothers actually did, and the other lived to be ninety-five, so I do think of 50 as a halfway point.


Saturday, January 19, 2013

Underground Resources -Dig Deep

Usually something underground refers to the Unconscious, the part of you that you are not aware of. That might seem a little weird, but it's not really.

The Unconscious houses all your past experience and learning, intuition, spiritual connections, human instinct, and common human Archetypes. It's not at all uncommon to dream of underground rooms, caves, tunnels, passageways in your dreams, which can point to various different kinds of influence coming from an Unconscious part of of you which is seeking to be conscious. You will find references to underground areas in every dream dictionary out there because it is a universal symbol.

By conscious, I mean that you would become aware of this information, so that you grasp it or receive it. You would then be able to turn it in your hands, look at it from different sides, consider how it might benefit you, enlighten you, or change your approach in to life.


What Can We Find Underground?

The image is a good one because many things grow up from the earth.  An underground cavern may be a source of safety, defense, a hiding place for a treasure. What might we find stored in a basement, cave, or mine? It’s hard to say - almost anything.

I have dreampt that I sitting on a basement floor in the dark, sorting and resorting little pieces of paper, trying to finish sorting, and beening able to. I take that to be  at some frustrating interim place where I had many small pieces of information, but was not yet able to put them together, or understand the messages, or even know what pile they belonged in. 

Road Construction

At other times, I’ve not been able to proceed down the road I was on, due to road construction. There was a big hole in the road, which required me to stop. There was clearly some pretty serious work going on which required me to slow down, stop, redirect. This can mean that I need to change my direction because the road does not go through – it’s a dead end, at least for now.

Road construction can also mean that some fundamental changes are underway, which will be completed over time. Eventually all the work will be done, so that you can resume your path, as if nothing had ever happened.

Building Construction

Seeing a building under construction means that your actual psychological house is being renovated. If you see major construction, an entirely new building, many trucks and workers, you might be undergoing a very big change in your life, or acheiving a higher level of maturity, or a very different attitude. I think that major construction does not necessarily mean big external changes, usually  internal changes. But external changes may coinside with the internal changes.


'Major' Construction

 The psyche has its own definition of ‘major.’ It is ‘major’ if you decide to:
  • grow up and be an adult
  • take on a new responsibility
  • reject burdens that are not rightfully yours
  • break away from the way you were raised
  • commit to a long term relationship or marriage
  • leave a relationship that does not work
  • look for a more rewarding job
  • assert your own priorities
  • find resources in the face of loss, death, or illness
  • tearing down to build up again

I’m sure there are many other life situations where major construction project is the ideal dream symbol. If you require knowledge, buried strengths, more power to accomplish what you must do, you may dream of construction. There might be workmen are hammering away, trucks bringing in truckloads of new materials, electricians laying power cables, or plumbers hooking up water. These represent the forces and new abilities you will need to finish your project.

The construction refers to our inner lives or our psychological work. The underground can hold our own untapped resources, Mother Earth herself, our connection to our hope and faith.

We are all carpenters and builders – May you build with Joy

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I Missed Your Call

The definition in my dream dictionary for Cell Phone reads:

A cell phone is similar to an antenna in that it uses a non-physical communication link. Communicating with energy or waves through the air can represent our communication with the spiritual world, the Spirit, God, Jesus, our own Self or spirit, or another person.

This Phone is No Good

In a recent dream, I tried calling a friend to meet me somewhere. But my phone had no numbers marked on the buttons, making it impossible to dial the right number. In addition, this phone had no ringer, so if my friend called me, I would not even know. 

black and white photo of a cell phone with a blank screen.
Cell Phone
This is one of the clearest messages I’ve ever received, speaking to the complete and utter breakdown in communication between me and a friend. No communication could go out and no communication could come in. The situation has been worrying me, as I tried to understand if the situation is permanent, fixable, or whatever?

I would have to say, based on pretty clear input, that I don’t have the tools to fix this, at least not now. That breaks my heart, but there it is. I think if there were a fix, the dream would have suggested it.


Missing the Call and Missing a Friend

So, what to do? Acknowledge my loss and honor it. Then let it go. Go on with my other work, affect the things that I can, and be happy with that answer.

I don’t necessarily believe that dreams are prophesy, meaning that communication can never open up.

Maybe in another dream I would receive a new working phone!

Other Dream Blogs:

House, Home, and Words of Wisdom

10 Steps to Interpreting your Dreams

The Trinity of Faith, Hope and Love

People You Know - Family, Friends, Co-workers, Bosses

Friday, January 11, 2013

A Field of Dreams - What your Baseball Dream Can Tell You

You might think I’m making this all up, but I’m not!

Baseball and softball images provide some great images and symbols for my waking life. And my unconscious mind seems to think so too!

If you have watched a thousand practices, games, and coaching sessions, you’ll know that baseball is great analogy for 'real' life. It is a shorter, focused, skill-based microcosm of the world.

Here are some things I’ve been told, or told to my son or daughter in a dream:

  • ‘Get into the game’ can mean get your head in the  game, or get yourself off the bench and out onto the field of life.
  • ‘You have to swing the bat to hit the ball.’ There is nothing more depressing to a player that letting a beautiful pitch go by and not going for it.
  • ‘You are up to bat’ means that it’s your turn, show them what you’ve got.
  • 'If you are going to go, go now.' Life, like a baseball game has natural points where it's a littel better to stand up and go, like between innings, or when a team is taking the field. Life might present you with such a transition point. 

Baseball Diamond or Baseball Field

The field in baseball is a diamond, which is also a square turned on its corner. It can hold the same symbolism of balance as the square or the number four.


If you are a player who is batting,running or fielding, you are taking an active role in the game of life. If you are sitting you need to stand up, find your spot, and get there quickly.


The ump controls the game, the time and the strike zone. With littler kids, they are also mentors explaining the rules of the game, and giving timely warnings about balks etc… If the umpire talks to you in the dream, you are hearing message from an authority. After you translate it, you'll probably find really useful, easy to apply advice.

Let's get on with the game!

Friday, January 4, 2013

A Bridge to Somewhere

Change is good, right? Well, sortof and sometimes, but it's always a challenge.

I do believe we are destined for good things, so change is an opportunity to learn, grow and improve our lives.

If you find yourself on a bridge in a dream, this means that you are transitioning to a new place in your life. Bridges also symbolize beginnings and endings.

What Color is Your Bridge?

The color, size, and length of the bridge are important clues to understanding what your dream is telling you.

Is the bridge small or large? Is it open or enclosed? And of course, what color is it?

And are you alone in your journey or do you have support? I hope there is someone with you to help you, someone with strength or insight.

How do you feel in the dream about crossing the bridge? Afraid or anxious? Maybe working toward overcoming the fear is being indicated.

A green suspension bridge would be a hopeful, open and strong bridge. It might life-giving changes are taking place.

A black covered wooden bridge seems a lot like a coffin. That may be a sign that the change is seen as unwelcome - you see it as a death. Relationships, jobs, seasons all can and do end.

Usually a bridge will take you to another place, or possibly a door. If the door is closed, this is a sign that you need to clear some obstacles in your path. Or  sometimes we have to wait or knock for the door to be opened. Take some action!

Curioser and Curioser

How do I welcome change? I let curiosity lead me. Ask - Is it really so impossible to change? What would I have to do? What would be the benefits? What support do I have or need to help me?

Then I think it’s good to let it rest a bit, and come back later. Oh, and talk to my girl friends.

Other Dream Blogs:

Understanding Locations - Key to Getting Your Dream's Message

Dream Colors - White, Yellow, Gold, Red, Pink, Hot Pink, Spring Green, Moss Green, Kelly Green, Midnight Blue, and Silver

The Trinity of Faith, Hope and Love
(Hope is a diamond, Love is red, and Faith is in your feet)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

There's Always Another Sock

... to pick up.

Do you feel like you’re on 24-hours a day? But it still isn’t enough time?

It’s both a cliché and an undeniable truth of life that there aren’t enough hours in the day. It’s no wonder that we feel the pressure to organize, schedule and multi-task. It’s a pretty common way to deal with all the demands. But don’t we wish there was another way?

A Downside to Multi-tasking? No Way, Right?

When my kids were small, I could never find ten minutes for concentrated thought. As a parent, you sometimes notice that your methods aren’t really working and your little child isn’t happy. Something needs to change, but what?

And why is that so hard to find a few minutes to think about it? Well, once you are in multi-task mode, you are always thinking of the next thing, not necessarily the next important thing.

“Put the glass to the dishwasher, drop the socks in the laundry room, turn on the hall light, and turn on the oven to 400 degrees.”

There is always another sock to pick up. Sad but true.

Secrets to Finding More Time

I actually found more time in the day and I'm going to spill it! 

Did I become even more efficient? Nope.

Did I start taking 5-hour energy drinks? Nope.

What else is there?

There are actually three things.

Thing One - Take a Little Break

I gave myself a break in the evening after the kids went to bed. Sometimes that meant that I left the magazines unstraightened.  And sometimes, I didn’t wash the pots and pans! I know, crazy, right?

You think you can’t do it - but you can.

I admit it’s pretty hard to rebel against your definition of good housekeeping, but I think it’s worth it. You can take ten minutes for yourself, or even twenty.


Thing Two - Release the Clutter

Clear your mind of the day’s stress and clutter. Let it all drift a bit, not really thinking or planning, or reviewing, just drifting.

Let the frustration, worries and stress go.

If you think of things you should do, just jot them down, and let them go.

If you have a problem, decide to either think about it now, or let your dreams handle it. That actually is The Secret.


Thing Three - Tap into your Dreams' Power 

Did you know that dreams are meant to help you by giving you answers? Your dreams can activate all your own personal and spiritual wisdom, solving problems, giving insight, adding to your abilities while you sleep. It lets you get more out of your day.

Does that seem impossible?

It’s really kind of easy. Before bed, focus on where you are stuck. Run over what you think your options are. Then relax into your night’s sleep, hopeful that your inner Self will help you. If you don’t remember your dream from that night, try again the next night, and the next.

Try not to predefine what information you might receive. Dreams are not like Ouija boards. Write down everything you remember and start using your dream dictionary.

People dream every night whether they remember the dreams or not, so be confident that you are receiving input. The answers may come to you during the day, as a new thought.

When you engage your own dream process, you are finally using the full 24-hour day. Sleep is productive both for regenerating the body and activating the mind and spirit. All this can be channeled into your waking life to give you quicker answers and less anxiety.

So, Back to Multi-tasking

Have you reached the limits of the hyper productive lifestyle?

Sure, you can get a lot of stuff done, but is it the stuff right stuff?

Are you going to get an award for the socks you picked up?

Maybe you would rather focus on the kind of children you want to raise or the person you want to be? Or time to notice what a great kid you have?

Those are the things I want right now. 

Do well and sleep well.

Other Dream Blogs:

10 Steps to Interpreting your Dreams

The Trinity of Faith, Hope and Love

People You Know - Family, Friends, Co-workers, Bosses